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Hello There everyone!

A couple of nights ago we organised a quiz with some friends.

There are a whole host of things you can do online over things like Zoom, Google Hangouts, Messenger etc, such as quizzes!

We thought we'd make our own (so our friends can't cheat!) so came up with the following -

* Each team had to send something creative to do with Easter to gain entry to the quiz

* An activity round - 5 activities, for example, get a photo wearing a pair of gloves and holding a knife and fork (this got rather hectic!)

* Who am I - describe a person in a few sentences and the teams had to guess who we were referring to

* A movie round, where we (and some friends - thanks for sending them through!) made clues for the movie title

* Missing Link - we named 5 famous people, and the teams had to guess what the link was between them all

and I think that about covered it - it certainly kept us busy for a while and was an ace way to chat to everyone, and also have a bit of fun!

There are *endless* possibilities to what you can do (activity round was a personal favourite of ours!) and coupled with chatting to friends online, it was a great way to spend Easter Sunday.

Let us know what ways you're passing the time with friends! Quizzes are a great way to interact, albeit it strangely over the internet.

I feel we're kind of getting used to it a little now, and getting a little easier.

Take care everyone and hope you're all having a good week so far!

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Happy Easter weekend everyone!

How's everyone doing? Currently the sun is shining and we're on our second BBQ of the year, which makes us *very* happy.

So last year we made an Easter video for the niblings...

Noun. nibling (plural niblings) (uncommon) The child of one's sibling or of one's sibling-in-law (in other words, one's niece or nephew) ... where they took part in an Easter egg hunt. Obviously this year we can't take part in such an event so we've decided to make a video about us hearing the Easter bunny, and almost seeing it, in our backyard, and then discovering some treats that he or she has left for us to find! It was ace to play out, and here's a little BTS of what we got up to.

The point in this episode is that you can make your own videos on your phone - shoot, edit and upload. Easy peasy. Yes, we have lots of video equipment at home, but you can do so much on your phone just through some apps. Here's a few apps that are available for download from the app store - Splice Magisto InShot Video Editor VivaVideo Imovie Adobe Premiere as well as a whole host of others. Have a go and let us know how you get on! Anyways. Let us know how you're getting creative this Easter weekend! We hope everyone has a great one, but most of all, a safe one. Stay home if you can. Lots can be done to keep us busy, go find a bunny in your yard! Take care everyone x #HelloThereFilms

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Ok. So the clocks went forward (YAY!) and we wanted to continue to tackle the yard; we're going to be at home for the foreseeable future anyways so if we've got access to an outdoor area, garden or yard, it makes sense to want to utilise the space and spend some time there.

Charlotte got planting with some wild flowers seeds (amongst lots of other stuff but wild flowers are easy to remember the name of!) and Craig (me!) got to work with painting some pallets that we're gonna stack on blocks to use as a seating area.

We can't wait for the sun to shine and to be able to sit outside and read, reply to emails and have a glass of wine! It's a naff situation we all find ourselves in but if we make our space as normal and painless as possible, it'll greatly help us get by and feel comfortable.

How is everyone getting on? Anyone managed to get outside with a cup of tea and a sit down?

I managed to do a bit of reading yesterday, though it was super cold, I felt much better for it!

Take care everyone and stay safe

Craig x

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