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Updated: Apr 9, 2020

This day was full of laughter, smiles and love. Our cheeks were hurting by the end of the day! Hannah and Dan are such a lovely couple and their story is so lovely, romantic, as well as both being hilarious. They didn't stop looking at each other from the second Hannah was at the top of the aisle, and are so clearly in love. What a winning combo.

It was a super misty morning first thing. It really added to the romance in the air. Walking through Malton in the early hours was lovely, and it was nice to capture folk going around their daily business first thing in the morning.

Hannah and Dan were both getting ready in the same hotel, but on different floors. We saw Dan and his friends watching the rugby early doors before getting some groom prep and saying hello to the bride and her bridesmaids. This time in the morning is always such an infectious environment to be in, everyone's so excited and spirits are high!

The ceremony was located at the church, literally at the end of the street, which meant everyone walked the short journey and made for some great walking shots! The ceremony was wonderfully led, and topped off by a wonderful poem written by a friend of the bride, Greg Marlow:

"Love can be found in the look of an eye

Shouted from rooftops or written in sky

Today we stand in the light of true love

As you begin life’s journey as one

Every step you’ve ever taken has led you here today

The hand that guides has brought your lives together in this way

Joining your paths for the future to come

Two hearts now together as one

If you can’t imagine life without them, you know you’ve found the one

The shadow at your side, supporting you in all you’ve done

The hand to hold in darkness, the light to help you see

The one who makes you happier than you ever thought could be

They’re the one if you wouldn’t change a thing, if they see your bad as good

The one who understands you like no other person could

You’ve both found the one and that’s obvious to see

They say something’s are just meant to be

Robert Burns said love is a red red rose, peaceful as in June

May yours be the rose that forever grows and always stays in bloom

I wish you a lifetime of happiness in all your future to come

And give thanks to the day when you both found the one. "

The rest of the day was an incredible mix of laughs, smiles, emotional and heartfelt stories (as well as a few daft ones!) Hannah is an A&E doctor and saved a man's life in an airport after he had a heart attack. He wrote an amazing piece that Hannah's mother read out during her speech and was an incredible story to hear, not a dry eye in the house (including us!) We had some lovely couple photos time with the wonderful Sally T; we've worked with her a few times now and it was great to document this day with her, though she did find funny all of the numerous times I almost fell over during the day; walking into/over things that I should have really noticed but was too busy getting the shot!

This was our first experience of a Ceilidh band (which is the hardest word to spell), and will definitely not be the last - what a blast! The footage we got was well worth almost getting a couple of black eyes for sure!

We tried to get some screen grabs of the Ceilidh, it was nigh on impossible - but take a look at Hannah's face above and that's what it was like! Even slow motion really doesn't do it justice, watch the film to see how hectic it really was! It was boisterous, loud, hectic, hilarious. We can't wait for the next one!

A huge congratulations again to Hannah and Dan.

Enjoy the film! Craig x

PS shout out to Carla (who we've also worked with a couple of times) - you're the next Whittingham on the list!

Photography - Sally T Photography

Make up - Gemma Rimmington

Flowers - The Topiary Tree

Reception guitar music - Connor Thomas

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Hello everyone!

It's been a while since we've put anything up on the blog, there's good reason for that- we've been super busy behind the scenes, on a whole host of things; workshops, planning changes and implementing them to the website, lots of shooting, lots of editing.

The lovely folk over at Epernay Bridal in Gosforth (who we've worked with before on the Horton Grange styled shoot) got in touch and asked if we'd be interested in making a version of the VISA 'where you shop matters' campaign from last Christmas. This year they were opening it up to the folk on our Great British High Street- if you had an independent business, you could get involved.

It was a slightly last minute affair- when we met up we realised we had under a week to get it made and entered! But after a little shuffle around we managed to storyboard, shoot, edit and uploaded in a few short hours.

See how we did below!

It was a great little project to work on, something that really got the creative juices flowing and something that made us feel all Christmassy inside!

Let's all try and shop local and independent this Christmas. Support your local :)

Craig x

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