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  • hellotherefilms

We did our first wedding open day last Thursday, at a beautiful venue called Horton Grange in Northumberland. We prepared for it as a wedding fair, and learnt a lot from it; things like layout and placement of our stall, mainly.

This is what our stall looked like:

We opted for a 'living room' style set up, as that's how we hope our wedding couples would sit down to watch their film; with a glass of something nice, popcorn on the sofa. I realise this is a little rose-tinted an idea, but we are making love stories, yes?! I'm also acutely aware that we get most of our views from phone screens, but I still like to think our couples will sit down and watch their film on a big screen.

Our 'living room' set up was actually in the living area of the Horton Grange Hotel (which is stunning by the way, check it out if you haven't already) so I think from an outsider's perspective, we may have gotten a little lost in the backdrop.

However, we did get to speak to some lovely, excited folk, some of which were freshly engaged! A lot of people hadn't booked a venue or set a date yet, so it was lovely to hear them get excited and carried away in conversation about plans and intricacies of a wedding day.

At present we'd still like to pursue the 'living room' style look, maybe after the next wedding fair/open day we may change our minds (I feel this look would work well in a hall/more industrial set up) but for the minute we're still gonna follow the romantic film-on-a-big-screen we've got in our minds :)

Craig x

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  • hellotherefilms

Hi everyone.

So our first 2 or 3 weeks have been a bit crazy to say the least! But they have been awesome.

After being made redundant from my full time job, it gave me some fire in the belly to go full hog with film production. It's been amazing so far to have time to dedicate to things like edits, social posting, getting a website together, as well as the total minefield that is setting up to be freelance full time (head explosion emoji!)

I'll post again soon about weddings we've shot recently. And some great ones coming up!

Craig x

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